

Grant Park Orchestra

Auditions for highly qualified orchestral musicians take place between January and May prior to the start of the summer season. Audition information and application instructions are available HERE. Please direct questions to Orchestra Personnel Manager Linda Oper at linda.oper@gpmf.org.

Grant Park Chorus

Chorus.jpgAuditions for highly qualified singers take place in February prior to the start of the summer season. Audition registration will begin in December of each year. Please direct questions to Chorus Personnel Manager, Melissa Hilker, at melissa.hilker@gpmf.org.


Festival String and Vocal Fellowship


Join us for our exciting 90th Season! For Information on Audition Dates and Repertoire and to Apply Now, Visit our GPMF GetAcceptd Site. Deadline to apply for the 2024 String Fellowship is February 16, 2024!

The Grant Park Music Festival’s Project String and Vocal Fellowship is a paid training opportunity for singers and string players which aims to prepare young artists to win positions in professional PI Portrait.jpgensembles. Fellows rehearse and perform with the Grant Park Orchestra and Chorus, receive mentorship from Festival artistic leadership, musicians, and guest artists, perform chamber music in communities throughout Chicago, take part in valuable professional development sessions, and participate in education and community engagement activities.

If you have questions, please contact Hilary Mercer at  hilary.mercer@gpmf.org.

Meet Fellowship Alumni here or visit our GPMF YouTube page to hear directly from fellows about their time at Grant Park Music Festival!